If you're a wok enthusiast who rents your home or apartment you won't have a lot of say in what kind of range is in your kitchen. If you have a gas range your wok ring will usually slide off the burner grating and if you remove grating then the wok ring will slide into the drippings well. Instead make a few cuts on your wok ring to ensure a steady cooking surface.
Instructables user noahw solved his unstable wok problem by making a mark on his wok ring everywhere the burner grating touched the wok ring and made a cutout so that the ring wouldn't slide off the grating. Of course most American home ranges will never get hot enough for a proper stir fry, but at least now Noah doesn't have to worry about accidentally spilling a cup of hot oil while moving the wok on the ring.
Vastly Improve a Wok Ring | Instructables
Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/B4MX78c1Xhw/modify-a-wok-ring-to-fit-a-gas-range
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